Battle Royale
What is the Battle Royale mode?
The new Battle Royale mode is a completely new game mode for Fortress Kings! This new game mode combines the best from Fortress Kings and Ba...
What can you win participating in the new world?
You can find some cool prizes by reaching a specific zone and survive there until it falls. Rewards (since 25.11.2019)Zone 11x King Token1K ...
How does the Battle Royale work?
The Battle Royale is divided into three phases.1. Startup PhaseIn this phase, players can join the world to participate and can start gather...
Why can’t I join the Battle Royale World?
If the Battle Phase has started already, you cannot join the world. You have to wait until the current battle has ended until you can join t...
What are Loot Chests?
Loot chests will be spawned every 6 hours randomly in the zones 9 to 3. They are global chests and can only be opened once. Means: If you op...
What are Royale Coins, Royale Items and Royale Researches?
Royale Coins, Royale Items and Royale Researches are limited to the Battle Royale mode and can only be found there. They give you powerful b...
What happens, if I can’t make it to the next zone?
Once the battle has started, the zones fall off one by one, starting with the outermost zone. Your goal is to escape the zone, that is going...
What happens to Provinces and Fortifications in inactive zones?
Own Provinces and Fortifications in inactive zones will still be working for active users, also all stationed units will still be there defe...
What happens at the end of a round?
After the King Phase has ended, the world is reset and prepared for the next round. During that time, you can’t join the world. As a part of...
What can I keep after one round and what is lost?
After the end of a round you will be able to keep some of your progress:Your amount of XP and VIP points, as well as your player and vip lev...
Why are no packages in the shop?
We decided to make the Battle Royale Mode more competitive by adding no or rare purchase options. Currently just a few (and cheap) special o...
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