Mission List
In the mission list all pending missions are shown. The green button band below the word "Mission" is used to filter certain missions. Green means it is enabled, so you can see the missions, if the buttons are red, you can not see the associated missions. The descriptions of the buttons are (from left to right):
  • Emergencies (everything)
  • Ambulance missions
  • Alliance missions (Missions that have been shared or been spawned by alliance members)
  • Event missions
  • Planned missions
  • New Missions (These are missions that you have not touched yet, you have not sent any vehicle to this mission so far.)
  • Started Missions (As soon as you send a vehicle to a mission it becomes a started mission. Even if you withdraw all vehicles It will still count as started.)
  • Attended Missions (You have sent vehicles to that mission, but they have not all arrived yet or you might miss some requirements (e. g. personnel, water etc.).)
  • Unattended Missions (You withdrew all vehicles from that mission)
  • Missions in progress (All your vehicles are in place, all requirements are fulfilled, you just need to wait for your crews to get to the end of the mission time.)


Immediately below the green band is a search bar to search for specific missions.
Below that the mission list entries start. 
Every mission entry has the following parts:
  1. Dispatch button to get to the dispatch screen (see the FAQ-entry for dispatch screen for more information) for that mission
  2. Mission name 
  3. Mission address
  4. Mission icon
  5. Mission progress bar