To win combat in Medieval Kingdoms, you have to exceed the defenders defense values with your units attack values. This means that the defense stats of your units are irrelevant when attacking and vice versa.
Unit values
  • Attack: Determines how strong this unit is when attacking.
  • Defense: Determines how strong this unit is when defending.
  • Speed: Determines how fast this unit can travel on the map.
  • Transport: Determines how many resources the unit can gather from successful raids or missions.
  • Capacity: Possible tranport capacity amount.


Attack Types

  • Raiding requires you to win the combat. When successful, you will steal resources from your opponent.
  • Conquest requires you to win the combat. When successful, you will conquer the targer habitat.
  • Liberating requires you to win the combat. When successful, you will free the attacked habitat.


Combat Loss

If you lose a battle, you generally lose 50% of your units. If you win, you lose units based on the strength of your units compared to your opponent's. For example if you win with 200 attack vs 100 defense you lose 25% of your units.
You can only damage your opponent if you reach at least 2% of your opponents combat strength or 1 million attack.
Units that are defeated in combat can be recovered in the monastery if there is enough space available.