Your rights within an alliance are based on the roles assigned to you. You can have multiple roles, granting you all the respective rights of those roles.

King: The role of the guild leader who is able to do anything the other roles can do. Only one guild member can be the King. Every Alliance needs a King, and the King can't leave their alliance unless they give another member the role.

Warlord: The warlord role lets alliance members manage combat related activities, as well as the guilds army. They can start tower battles and manage alliance units and abandon Towers.

Captain:  The captian role can start alliance missions, allowing them to gather rewards for the Alliance.

Treasurer: The Treasurer role can spend resources on the Kingdom Improvement Center to improve the Kingdoms.

Diplomat: The Diplomat role can change the Alliance information like the Alliance description as well as the Diplomatic relationships with other alliances.

Minister: The Minister role can manage alliance members and their roles as well as remove players from the alliance and manage alliance invitations and applications.

Announcer: The announcer role can close and open threads in the forum as well as delete said threads.