The Military Camp is available in all castles, fortresses, and cities that are located in a region captured by your alliance. It increases the possible number of units and can be upgraded to increase the bonus even further. The additional number of units granted by the Military Camp depends on whether the habitat is a castle, a fortress or a city.
The Military camp does not increase the score of a habitat, even if it is upgraded. It can only be accessed through the building list.

Loss of the Region

As soon as your alliance loses the region, the Military Camp vanishes and is set back to zero. Effectively, if the region is recaptured, the building has to be upgraded once again. When the Military Camp disappears, all current units stay in the habitat, even if it is overpopulated.


 There are two possibilities, when you relocate a habitat that owns a Military Camp:
  1. When you relocate inside the same region, nothing happens.
  2. When you relocate to a new region, the Military Camp vanishes and is set back to zero. Current upgrades get canceled.


Some upgrades of the Military Camp need the completion of certain researches in the habitat, before they can be executed.

Creation of a Fortress or City

It is not needed to completely expand a Military camp in order to create a fortress or city. As soon as the fortress or city is created, the Military Camp is set back to zero. Current upgrades get canceled.


When a player leaves an alliance, he does not have access to the Military Camp anymore. If he rejoins the same alliance later, there are three possibilities:
  1. The alliance still owns the region and the Military Camp has the same level as before his leave.
  2. The alliance lost the region in the meantime and the Military Camp remains inaccessible.
  3. The alliance lost and recaptured the region in the meantime and the Military Camp is set back to zero.
If the player joins a new alliance that captured the region from his previous alliance, the Military Camp is set back to zero.
If a player captures a habitat from a member of his own alliance and the habitat is inside a captured region, the Military Camp is set back to zero.

If the player gets kicked the military camp will be removed. if he comes back afterwards the Military Camp is set back to zero.
Alliance Help has no effect on the Military Camp.