Battle system & mechanics
Support Bridge
Support Bridge A support bridge (also known as a defense bridge) is a group of supporting transits that arrive in regular intervals at a bes...
Attack-synchronisation is used to coordinate both attack and support movements originating from several bases. The arrival of an existing ...
Action with the last formation
Players have the opportunity to execute the last action they used (attack, support, send resources and send spy) with the same units and re...
Send spy
Spies are equipped with iodine. To ensure that a spy is successful, the player must pay his spy more iodine tablets than are available in ...
Send resources
You can use this function to send ressources (metal, plastic, gas) to other bases. If you select your own base, you can even send iodine a...
Attacks are launched using selected troops. The speed of the selected troops is determined by the slowest unit. The defender will know ...
You must use the slider to select troops to go and help defend another base. The traveltime indicated will always be based on the speed of...
Attack planner/Ask for help
With the “plan attack” and “ask for help” buttons, a player has the option to share both his own attacks, as well as his enemies’ attacks ...
Buy the base
The function „Buy the base“ allows you to purchase mutant bases for water canister. The purchased base is immediately taken over by the pl...
Selection of the unit type
With the help of this button, all unit types can be either selected or deselected. Furthermore, each type of unit can be selected by taping ...
Arrival time calculator
With the help of the arrival time calculator, you can display all of your own bases that will be able to reach a base selected fro...
Relocating bases
The "relocate base" feature allows a player to exchange the position of his own bases with that of any mutant base on the map. Thi...
Manually delayed transits
This feature allows the players to delay the arrival of their transits manually, in order to make them arrive at a specific time. This allow...
Update: Battle changes 15.08.2016
We have made a small change with regards to the clearing of the units at the end of a battle round. It remains unchanged that a maximum of ...
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