New Player Guide
New Player GuideFirst of all: Welcome! This is a little guide that should help you to get started in MissionChief! Some gener...
Why is there no FAQ in my language?
We are working on adapting the FAQ to all the different language version but this might take a while. Eventually we are planning on having t...
Welcome to Mission Chief!
Take charge of your own dispatch centre and manage incidents in your city! Find more information about the game in the following FAQs:N...
What is the goal of the game?
The goal of the game is largely dependent on what you want the goal to be.Here are some goals one could imagine:Construct and maintain an ef...
How do I get started?
I suggest you read the FAQ UI Overview first, to get a feel for the options and the User Interface.As soon as you logged into your account, ...
What are Graphic Packs?
Graphic Packs are user generated content, which replaces the default clipboard-style vehicle icons with other graphics, some are animated. Y...
How can I find and add people to my friends list?
Currently the best way to find your friends in the app is to join the same alliance. You can then add them to your friends list via the butt...
Can I change the language of the game?
No, each server only has the accompanying language.
Why am I getting less credits as a reward than my tasks state?
If you complete the tasks in "Tasks and Events" you will receive the amount of credits as it is written as a reward. If you receiv...
What's new in MissionChief?
Here you can find smaller updates, patches and fixes that have been released in in MissionChief (US, UK and Australian version): ...
일일 로그인 보상은 무엇입니까?
쉬지 않고 매일 로그인하면 매일마다 보상을 받게 됩니다. 이 보상은 일정 금액의 크레딧으로 구성됩니다. 받는 크레딧 수는 전날 획득한 크레딧 수에 따라 다릅니다. 또한 연속으로 7일째 로그인하면 1코인을 받게 됩니다.
List of alliance rights
The list of alliance rights:
I would like to recommend the game to a friend. Can I get a reward?
Just go to “Recommend the Game” in the main menu. There you will find a code which your friends or anyone else can use to register a Mission...
What are tasks?
In "Tasks and Events” in the main menu you can always find a number of tasks that are available for you.By completing these tasks you can ea...
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