How do I join an alliance?
Navigate to the game menu. There you will find an entry called "Alliance". Clicking it you will see the entries "Alliance Lis...
How do I leave an alliance?
In the alliance-menu, click on the entry "Show Alliance". You will get to the window with the presentation text. The button to lea...
What are alliance missions?
Alliance missions can either be missions shared by your alliance members or spawned by your alliance admins.Since everyone gets the full rew...
What is the role of the admin of an alliance?
The admin is able to do everything other roles can do and this:Manage roles.Remove people from the alliance.See if a player has been offline...
What is the role of the owner of an alliance?
When a new alliance is founded the founder automatically has the role of "owner". An owner has the same rights of an admin, but the role can...
What is the role of a co-admin of an alliance?
The co-admin is able to:Review new alliance applications.Mute players in chat.Manage transport requests, if the player is offline or the tra...
What is the role of a transport request admin?
The role of a transport request admin is:Manage the alliances transport requests, he can dismiss patients, if the player with the tranport r...
What is the role of an action log moderator?
The action log moderator has the following capabilities:Review the alliance protocol.
What is the role of a finance admin of an alliance?
The finance admin has the following capabilities:Build and expand alliance buildings.View the alliance contribution rate.Mange the individua...
What is the role of an education admin of an alliance?
The education admin has the following capabilities:Start courses at the alliances academies.
What is the role of staff of an alliance?
Players with this role can delete forum posts but don't have any other permissions.
What are advertisement campaigns in the alliance?
If you start an alliance advertisement campaign, the alliance entries colour in the alliance list and the team-seeker tool is green.
How do I allow my alliance members to bring their patients to my hospitals?
You have to enable that in every hospital individually. You will find a button there called "Share this hospital with your alliance&quo...
How can I build alliance buildings?
It is the same process as building normally, but at the building menu you have a new point called build as alliance building. This is only p...
What does the "discount"-section in my alliances members list mean?
The discount rate specifies, how much each member has to pay for alliance services. A discount of 100 % means that person has to pay nothing...
How can I get rid of alliance missions?
The only way to get rid of alliance missions is to fast-finish them with Coins or to wait the normal 24 - 48 hours until they disappear!
How do I connect the Discord Chat Webhook feature?
Discord is a popular messaging app that's aimed primarily at the gaming audience. Many player alliances in MissionChief use Discord for comm...
How can I change the name of my alliance?
For 10 coins, if you are the admin of the alliance you can change the name by pressing the button in the top right hand corner of the allian...
What do the colored player icons mean next to the player's names?
All players can see the online/offline status of other players in their alliance. This is indicated by a green or grey player icon next to t...
What is an alliance event?
To set up an alliance event click on the button “Start Alliance Event” which you can find on the bottom of the list of open missions. Once y...
What are large scale alliance missions?
Large scale alliance missions are especially designed to do them together with your alliance.The button to start a large scale alliance miss...
What is the role of an event manager?
The Event Manager has the ability to start the daily free large-scale alliance mission and the weekly free alliance event.
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