What is a Country?
Countries are large territories marked on the map, that consist of 2 or more adjacent regions which are controlled by an alliance. Country c...
Why should Countries be created?
Countries provide additional improvements for all Alliance Habitats within the Country Regions.Country improvementsAll benefits gained from ...
How can I increase my country's improvements?
Countries can be improved by selecting one of their improvements and upgrading it.Similar to Regions, Country improvements need to be upgrad...
How do I create a country?
If your Alliance owns at least one region which is not already part of another country,you can spend your alliance treasury resources to bui...
How can I destroy foreign countries?
Countries require at least 2 alliance owned regions, this means that if you want to completely destroy an opponents country, you have to ens...
How do I expand my country?
Your Alliance can grow the country by adding more regions to it.The Regions you want to add need to be adjacent to another Region in your Co...
What if i lose a region during the process?
If your alliance loses a region during the creation or adding process the process will stop automatically. All spent resources will get lost...
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