일반 문제
고객 지원팀에 어떻게 연락 할 수 있습니까? (사과)
프로필의 ‘자주 묻는 질문 및 지원’을 누르세요. 그러면 자주 묻는 질문 목록을 확인하실 수 있습니다. 이곳에서 ‘문의하기’ 버튼을 사용할 수 있습니다. ‘문의하기’를 사용하기 전에 문제에 관한 키워드를 자주 묻는 질문에서 검색해 보시기를 권장합...
Beginner's Protection
Once you start a game on a certain world, you will stay protected from hostile operations for two weeks. No one will be able to attack your...
Can I play Lords & Knights offline?
Lords & Knights is an exclusively online and social multiplayer game, and it is not possible to play it in offline or only single-player...
I got harassed! What shall I do now?
Should you be harassed or offended by another player via an in game message, please get in touch with our support team, providing the follow...
I found a bug! How can I report it?
Should you have found a possible bug in game, you should get in touch with our support team, providing the following: - A screenshot statin...
When will a new server start?
We are constantly monitoring progress on our game servers. If the population of a server reaches a certain amount of active players, we will...
What happens to troops which are sent off during the time change?
Troops which are sent out before the time change and which will be arriving after it, will be acknowledging the time difference, meaning: t...
I got a free castle but can not build anything although i have the required resources. Can you fix this?
After acquiring a free castle, certain buildings are on high levels, setting your free subjects to zero. This can sometimes happen due to th...
연결된 성채가 공격 받는 동안 보루가 만들어지면 어떻게 되나요?
연결된 성 중 일부가 공격을 받는 동안 보루가 생성되면 진행 중인 모든 공격이 중지되고 부대와 은은 본성으로 복귀합니다.
Where can I get pictures and graphics of Lords & Knights?
Please read first: http://xyrality.com/fan-content-policy/ Here you can find a collection of pictures and graphics which you c...
Presentation of Troop Movements (iOS / Android)
This function is currently in a test phase and is therefore only available on UK-9, UL-10 and US-15. Please be patient, we will make the fea...
How can I subscribe to one of the passes?
Log into the world where you want to use the pass and go to the Gold Shop. Here you can select the pass you want to buy.
What is a Subscription and what can the passes do?
Our passes give you great advantages for your experience in our game.We offer you two different types of passes. With the Builder Pass you c...
스페셜 패키지(초보자 패키지, 엠퍼러 패키지 등)
새로운 세계에서 플레이하는 동안 특별 패키지가 무작위로 나타납니다. 일반적으로 새로운 세계 출시의 첫 번째에서 몇 주 동안에 나타납니다.스페셜 패키지는 어떻게 구매하나요?특별 패키지는 상점 보기 또는 이벤트 및 작업 목록에서 구매할 수 있습니다.구매한...
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