Waar zijn gebouwuitbreidingen goed voor?
Brandweerkazernes kunnen worden uitgebreid met een ambulance, luchthaven en waterongevallen-uitbreiding.De ambulance-uitbreiding laat de bra...
Hoe zit het met de duur van bepaald uitbouwen?
Het maken van bepaalde uitbouwen kost enige tijd waarin de nieuwe capaciteiten van het gebouw worden aangemaakt. Zie het als de aanbouwperio...
Hoe bouw ik een nieuw gebouw?
Op de site:Klik bij posten op de knop 'nieuw gebouw maken.' Sleep vervolgens de blauwe marker op de kaart naar de positie waar je het gebouw...
Waarom wordt het bouwen van nieuwe kazernes steeds duurder.
Na de bouw van je 25e kazerne of politiebureau zullen de kosten voor nieuwe gebouwen van deze types langzaam oplopen. Dit zorgt ervoor dat e...
Hoe kan ik meer voertuigen op mijn kazernes plaatsen?
Om het aantal voertuigen in uw stations te verhogen. Klikt u in het gebouwoverzicht op de knop 'uitbouwen.' Ieder gebouw begint op level 0, ...
Hoeveel helikopterstandplaatsen kan ik bouwen?
Het aantal helikopterstandplaatsem. zowel voor het MMT als de politieheli wordt op de volgende manier bepaald:Minder dan of precies 100 gebo...
Wat is het maximaal aantal gebouwen dat ik kan plaatsen?
Er is geen limiet voor brandweer-, politie- en ambulanceposten.Je kunt hebben: - Meldkamers: 1 standplaats per 25 gebouwen (Brandweer+Politi...
What is a Home response location (HRL) (UK game version)?
Certain roles in the emergency services require the employee to respond from home. The Home Response Location building allows the player to ...
Kan ik gebouwen ook verplaatsen?
Ja, dit kan. Nadat je op de overzichtspagina van het gebouw op bewerken klikt kun je met de knop met de vier pijltjes het gebouw verplaatsen...
Wat is een gebouwencomplex?
Een gebouwencomplex is een manier om verschillende gebouwen van verschillende types samen te hebben op één locatie. Je kunt bijvoorbeeld bra...
What is a fire station?
The Fire Station houses all of your fire units. The Max Level is 39, which totals 40 Vehicle Bays. You are able to build an Ambulance, Airpo...
What is a small fire station?
Small Fire Stations are exactly the same as normal fire stations, except they can only expand to hold 6 vehicles. Also, you can only buy 1 ...
What is a fire academy?
The Fire Academy is used to train firefighters in the areas of ARFF, MCV, HazMat, Swiftwater Rescue, and Ocean Navigation. The training in e...
What is a firefighting plane station?
Please note that this FAQ refers to building in the US and Australian version of the game. This feature is currently not available in the UK...
What is a fire boat dock?
Please note that this FAQ refers to building in the US version of the game. This feature is currently not available in the UK and...
What is an ambulance station?
The Ambulance Station, or Rescue Stations, is used to house EMS vehicles and spawn medical missions. In order to complete most medical miss...
What is a small ambulance station?
.Small Ambulance Stations are exactly the same as normal ambulance stations, except they can only expand to hold 6 vehicles. Also, you can ...
What is a rescue academy?
The Rescue (EMS) Academy is used to train ambulance station crews. The training in each of these areas will allow the use of specialized veh...
What is a rescue boat dock?
Please note that this FAQ refers to building in the US version of the game. This feature is currently not available in the UK and...
What is a hospital?
The Hospital is a vital building to your medical emergencies. Oftentimes, you will be required to transport a patient to a hospital for more...
What is a clinic?
Please note that this FAQ refers to building in the US and UK version of the game. This feature is currently not available in the Australian...
What is a helicopter station?
A helicopter station gives you access to an air ambulance. The building does not come with a vehicle (HEMS, air ambulance).Cost - $1,000,000...
What is a police station?
Please note that this refers to the US version of the game. Police stations in othere versions, including the UK and Australian versions mig...
What is a small police station?
Small Police Stations are the same as normal police stations, except they can only expand to hold 6 vehicles. Also you can only buy one ext...
What is a police academy?
The Police Academy is used to train police station crews. The training in each of these areas will allow the use of specialized vehicles.Ava...
What is the federal police?
Please note that this FAQ refers to building in the US version of the game. This feature is currently not available in the UK&nbs...
What is a police helicopter station?
A police aviation station gives you access to a police helicopter. The building does not come with a vehicle (helicopter) and you will also ...
Wat is de uitgangssstelling?
De uitgangsstelling kan gratis worden gebouwd en blijft 24 uur staan. Gedurende deze tijd kun je hier tijdelijk een eenheid stationeren en d...
What is a prison?
Prisons are something an alliance can build so there is more room for prisoners when alliance members need to transport. Prisons cannot be b...
What is a HART base?
Please note that this FAQ refers to building in the UK version of the game. This feature is currently not available in the US&nbs...
What is the Large Police Depot? (UK version)
Please note that this FAQ is about the Large Police Depot available in the UK version of the game. This building not available in the US, A...
What is a Fire Marshall’s Office? (US version)
Please note that this FAQ is about the Fire Marshall’s Office available in the US version of the game. This building not available in the UK...
What are specialized stations?
What are specialized stations?Specialized stations are stations that serve a specific purpose. What is the benefits of specialized stations?...
Waarvoor dienen uitbreidingen bij ziekenhuizen?
De verscheidenheid aan noodsituaties brengt ook verschillende soorten letsel met zich mee, die verschillend moeten worden behandeld. Om de z...
What is a SES Building ?
Please note that this type of building only exists in the Australian version of the game.The SES building is used to complete missions that ...
What is a Coastal Rescue Station?
A Coastal Rescue Station houses all of your coastal units. The Max Level is 19, which totals 20 Vehicle Bays. Coastal Rescue missions take p...
What is a Lifeguard Post?
A Lifeguard post houses all of your Lifeguard units. A small coastal boat can also be bought here, which can support coastal missions.Cost: ...
What is a Coastal Rescue Academy?
The Coastal Rescue School/Academy is used to train your crews in training related to water. The training in each of these areas will allow t...
What are rural and urban specializations?
Please note that this feature is currently available in the US and UK versions of the game. It might not yet be available in other versions,...
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